Hierarchy. Cultural Marxism vs Traditionalism

Understanding hierarchy and why it is a good thing is of paramount importance when rejecting the faulty world view of Cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism dictates that hierarchy is a means of unjust oppression, where each group lower in hierarchy must revolt against the group above. A prime example of this view is that women must revolt against men; seeing as the man in the family is the head of the household. As we have discussed previously; equality is a lie, and a dangerous lie at that. The notion that equality is a means of prosperity and happiness is also a dangerous lie. A good example to illustrate the point of forcing equality upon a people or nation one need not look further than to the various Communist experiments of the last century.
Understanding and rejecting Cultural Marxism also means understanding that hierarchy is nothing detrimental or wrong. Hierarchy is, on the contrary, something natural and just. Ask yourself this; is it not natural that a father has the authority over the children, or that a mother has the authority over the children? Wherein lies the benefit or justice in letting children run rampant? Children need a benevolent and guiding hand from the parent, believing that this authority is somehow wrong is indeed a dangerous concept. Feminism, which is another hydra head of Cultural Marxism, dictates the men are the oppressors and women the oppressed, and view this as a static relationship. What they fail to realise, in their narrow and lacking understanding of the world, is that nothing is static, relationships and hierarchy are dynamic. Yes, in a healthy and natural family the man should have the role of leader. However, each man is once a boy and the mother is above her sons in this hierarchy, which means that women do indeed hold influential positions. It is as unnatural for children to revolt against the supposedly oppressive mother as it is for the woman to revolt against the supposedly oppressive man. There is nothing to revolt against; rejecting these natural hierarchies will only lead to chaos.
The single most important aspect of understanding hierarchy is indeed that it is neither static nor detrimental. Furthermore it is of paramount importance to realise that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being lower in hierarchy than someone of great worth. The army is a great example of this; being led by a valiant commander is to be seen as an honour and a learning opportunity. To put this in practical terms, in any given organisation you will start at the bottom, the ones on top will (hopefully) have a large degree of experience which makes them qualified to have more responsibility. One day these qualifications and responsibilities can be bestowed upon you, if you work hard enough. To summarise this in a single sentence we can adhere to the wisdom of the Hellenic statesman Solon (638-558 BC): “Learn to obey before you command”.
The father holds the natural authority over the son. The son in turn will one day become a father and will hold the natural authority over his own son. The commander holds the authority over the soldier. That soldier may one day become a commander himself and hold the authority over soldiers in turn.

Understanding that hierarchy is something natural and beneficial will be fundamental in combating the reigning Cultural Marxist paradigm. Understanding that the health of the family unit is of paramount importance to the nation is fundamental in working towards the saving of Imperium Evropa.


